SAVE a Dollar a Week-Educate a Child in Nepal


children These children are just like us, only that they have been deprived of the basic right to education. SEBS-NSP is a program run by the Ex-Budhanilkantha School which has been helping these unfortunate children for a long time and it would be great if some of you are willing to give it a hand.

Just save a dollar a week and you will end up sponsoring a child for a year. Cut back on the drinks in the bar you go to, and let the child benefit from the opportunity of going to school, which would not materialize otherwise.Here is a quote from the NSP website.


Here is a reason why you should help…

Most of these children come from families who cannot afford two meals a day, let alone education costs for the child. The parents work in the farm all day or for some other people to earn their living. So, they are unable to send their children to school. Moreover, they expect these kids to help them in their daily household work. This means that they are unable to go to school like we did. If we do not act now, their future is dark. Imagine a life in the 21st century without education!

So, come forward and help these children. SEBS-NSP is coming up with several other projects and is on the process of updating their website. Since all the workers for SEBS-NSP are volunteers, it is not easy to do all these things at the same time. So, be patient until we update our website with recent news. Here is the link to the NSP website:

Are you ready to help? Here is what you can do. Under the following website, donate to SEBS-North America and make sure that you write NSP programme under the instructions.

Thanks a lot and I really appreciate your help and concern.

2 Responses to “SAVE a Dollar a Week-Educate a Child in Nepal”

  1. Global Voices Online » Nepal: Education and a dollar a week Says:

    […] Our Dream on the importance of education in Nepal, and what one could do about it. “Most of these children come from families who cannot afford two meals a day, let alone education costs for the child. The parents work in the farm all day or for some other people to earn their living. So, they are unable to send their children to school. Moreover, they expect these kids to help them in their daily household work.” Share This […]

  2. Journalist Says:

    Education is a must for a country to develop. There is no alternative to education. Sooner the Nepalese understand this better the New Nepal would be.


टिप्पणी छोड्नुहोस्